OpenX, Neustar work to improve audience tracking without cookies, device IDs


  • Marketing innovation company OpenX the other day revealed assistance for a cookieless tracking innovation developed by The Trade Desk and other businesses in the digital advertising market. The Unified ID 2.0 service utilizes encrypted and hashed e-mail addresses to assist marketers and publishers determine audiences, while providing customers more privacy controls, per a statement.
  • OpenX, which runs an online market for digital marketing and a sell-side platform (SSP) for web publishers, will work with The Trade Desk to discover publishers that are evaluating Unified ID 2.0. OpenX also joined the Trusted Advertisement Environment (TAE), which lets consumers manage their personal privacy with Unified ID 2.0, per the statement.
  • In a comparable relocation, technology business Neustar the other day presented an audience tracking service called Fabrick ID that matches audience information across marketers and publishers without counting on web browser cookies or mobile advertising identifiers (HOUSE MAIDS). Fabrick ID is integrated with SSPs such as PubMatic, and connects with DSPs including The Trade Desk, LiveRamp, and Flashtalking, per an announcement.


OpenX and Neustar’s actions to offer audience tracking approaches for marketers and publishers are another indication that the advertising technology market is preparing for the continued loss of support for third-party cookies and device identifiers due to the fact that of privacy concerns. Marketing buyers are worried about the end of cookies and gadget IDs, but 41% of them said they do not know if online marketers understand the impacts of those changes, while more than a 3rd believes they need more first-party information, industry group IAB discovered in a study.

It’s too early to tell which tracking service will acquire widespread approval among advertisers, publishers, and consumers, though Unified ID 2.0, which is open source and deals with other ID options, looks appealing as businesses like OpenX and rankings company Nielsen support the technology. Neustar’s Fabrick ID also appears to be acquiring traction amongst DSPs and SSPs that get involved in automated bidding for digital ad positionings. As awareness grows that marketers and publishers need to prepare for the loss of third-party cookies and gadget identifiers, more businesses are most likely to embrace the next generation of privacy-compliant tracking methods.

The most instant issue is Apple’s planned changes to the software application that runs countless iPhones, iPads, and Apple TELEVISION streaming devices. The business this year announced it would need app developers to get opt-in consent from its clients to access the Identifier for Marketers (IDFA), an alphanumeric code appointed to every Apple device. The company this fall postponed a plan to impose the procedure amidst criticism from advertisers, publishers, and advertisement tech companies.

Social network giant Facebook, which doesn’t require IDFA to track people who log into its apps, has emerged as one of the most vocal critics of Apple’s strategy. Facebook this week ran full-page ads in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and The Wall Street Journal that accused Apple of harming small companies that buy online ad space. Facebook claimed that untargeted ads create 60% fewer sales than targeted ads do, based upon its research study. Many of Facebook’s 10 million marketers worldwide are small businesses.

Apple once again safeguarded its strategy to alert customers when apps want IDFA to gain access to for tracking, stating in a statement that “users must understand when their information is being gathered and shared across other apps and sites– and they need to have the choice to enable that or not. App Tracking Openness in iOS 14 does not need Facebook to change its method to tracking users and producing targeted advertising, it just needs they offer users a choice,” CNBC reported.

Online marketers have another year to prepare for Google’s plan to end assistance for third-party cookies in its Chrome internet browser, as announced in January. The search giant left open the possibility of postponing the plan if the media and marketing markets had not developed another tracking technique. Google’s relocation will have a significant result on the digital marketing market, considering that Chrome has a worldwide market share of 68% on a home computer and 61% on mobile phones, according to Statcounter.

OpenX and Neustar’s statements come as a range of companies develops cookieless tracking approaches. Verizon Media this month introduced ConnectID to help online marketers improve the targeting of marketing campaigns among various devices. The telecommunications company has first-party information for more than 900 million consumers worldwide who utilize its various online residential or commercial properties such as Yahoo, AOL, and TechCrunch. Data management platform Lotame’s in October presented Panorama ID, an option that counts on deterministic audience information consisting of consumer IDs, emails, and openly available web info for tracking. The innovation also lets customers pull out in real-time through digital touchpoints.

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